Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC)

Safeguarding Your Personal data

Data Controller

A person or entity that collects and determines how your personal data will be used.


Report A Data Breach

Data Processor

This is the entity that carries out the processing of data on behalf of the data controller


Report A Data Breach

Data Subject

Refers to any individual person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, via an identifier/personal data.

Rights Of A Data Subject

File A Complaint

Mandate of the Office

The mandate of the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner derived from the Data Protection Act 2019 and includes;

  • Regulate the processing of personal data;
  • Ensure that the processing of personal data of a data subject is guided by the principles set out in section 25 of the Act;
  • Protect the privacy of individuals;
  • Establish the legal and institutional mechanism to protect personal data;
  • Provide data subjects with rights and remedies to protect their personal data from processing that is not in accordance with the Act;


May 2024

NADPA-RAPDP AGM & Conference

Network of African Data Protection Authorities (NADPA-RAPDP) AGM & Conference

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